lunes, 1 de octubre de 2018

What is early stimulation in healthy children?

Today, we know that our baby is born with great potential and is in the hands of their parents take advantage of this opportunity in the process of maturation of the baby, for this potential to develop to the maximum of the most appropriate and fun . Early stimulation is the set of media, techniques, and science-based activities and applied systematically and sequentially. It is used in children from birth to age 6, with the aim of optimizing their cognitive, physical, emotional and social, to avoid undesired states in development and help parents effectively and autonomy in the care and development the infant.

Children from birth receive external stimuli to interact with others and their environment. When we stimulate our babies we are presenting different opportunities to explore, develop skills and abilities in a natural way and understand what is happening around them.

How does early stimulation in healthy children?

Each stage of development need different stimuli that relate directly to what is happening in the individual development of each child. It is very important that this individual development without making comparisons or pressure the child. The goal of the stimulation is not accelerating development, forcing the child to achieve goals that are not prepared to meet, but to recognize and encourage the potential of each individual child and present challenges and appropriate activities to strengthen their self-esteem, initiative and learning.

Important factors to stimulate properly

Early stimulation is one way to enhance motor development, cognitive, social and emotional development of our children, but also must respect the individual development and predisposition baby. Initially the activities focus on strengthening the emotional bond, massage and sensory stimuli, respecting the natural development of the baby, and the natural instinct of their parents. Then start gross motor activities, fine motor skills, concentration and language. It is very important to take care and protect the initiative, independence and self-esteem of the child throughout the learning process. At the same time it is worth taking into account important factors in achieving adequate leverage stimuli to which our children may be exposed.

                Every child is different
All children are not equal, each has its own pace of development. Your individual development depends on the maturation of the nervous system.
                Parameters of child development
It is important to understand the parameters of development but it is more important to understand that these are quite large and that its development depends on several factors. Recognizing the pattern of overall development, we can use it as a guide to introduce the baby stimuli and appropriate activities.
                Do not force the child
Stimulation should be a positive experience. Do not force the child to do any activity. We must learn to "read" what our children feel at that moment.
                Play with child
The only way a child learns during this first stage is if you are predisposed to learn and absorb new information, ie playing. The game is the best way to stimulate a child. It is also important that the child is well fed that has made his nap and feel comfortable. Parents are learning to read your baby's behavior and respect their needs.

How to develop the skills of the baby?

From the moment your baby is born starts a developmental stage that converts to a defenseless little person in an independent being that goes where you want to go and express what you want or what you feel. This change does not happen suddenly, but is a process of maturation and skills that will be gaining every month.

Here are what you can expect your baby to month to month according to the different groups of skills:

Basic Skills
Those that most babies have (95%).
Advanced Skills
It occurs in half the infants (50%).
Superior ability
Only some develop them in early (10%).

It is not necessary that your baby is with all these development patterns since not all babies are equal in their growth. Some babies need more time than others to achieve new skills and this does not mean that there may be a delay in development or that their IQ is less.

viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2018

By. Gianella Recalde
What Is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing encompasses all marketing efforts that use an electronic device or the internet. Businesses leverage digital channels such as search engines, social media, email, and their websites to connect with current and prospective customers.

Marketing has always been about connecting with your audience in the right place and at the right time. Today, that means you need to meet them where they are already spending time: on the internet.

Digital marketing is the application of marketing strategies carried out in digital media. All the techniques of the offline world are imitated and translated into a new world, the online world. In the digital domain, new tools appear, such as immediacy, new networks that emerge every day, and the possibility of real measurements of each of the strategies used.
Two instances are known:

In this new area the second instance of digital marketing is developed since users can talk about the brand freely. They have a very important power that before was only allowed to the media: Opinion.

That's why a digital strategy must include all the relevant spaces where the target interacts, seeking to influence opinions and opinions, improve the results of the search engines, and analyzing the information that these means provide to optimize the performance of the actions taken. Digital marketing is the set of design, creativity, profitability and analysis always looking for an ROI.

The human body can provide places for disease-causing germs and parasites to grow and multiply. These places include the skin and in and around the openings to the body. It is less likely that germs and parasites will get inside the body if people have good personal hygiene habits.

Good personal hygiene

Good personal hygiene habits include:

  •  washing the body often. If possible, everybody should have a shower or a bath every day. However, there may be times when this is not possible, for example, when people are out camping or there is a shortage of water
  •   If this happens, a swim or a wash all over the body with a wet sponge or cloth will do
  • cleaning the teeth at least once a day. Brushing the teeth after each meal is the best way of making sure that gum disease and tooth decay are avoided. It is very important to clean teeth after breakfast and immediately before going to bed
  •  washing the hair with soap or shampoo at least once a week
  •  washing hands with soap after going to the toilet
  •  washing hands with soap before preparing and/or eating food. During normal daily activities, such as working and playing, disease causing germs may get onto the hands and under the nails. If the germs are not washed off before preparing food or eating, they may get onto the food
  •  changing into clean clothes. Dirty clothes should be washed with laundry soap before wearing them again
  •  hanging clothes in the sun to dry. The sun's rays will kill some disease-causing germs and parasites
  • turning away from other people and covering the nose and mouth with a tissue or the hand when coughing or sneezing. If this is not done, droplets of liquid containing germs from the nose and mouth will be spread in the air and other people can breathe them in, or the droplets can get onto food.

Fig. 1: Washing the body helps keep it free of disease-causing germs 
Fig. 2: Cleaning teeth helps keep gums and teeth healthy. 

Fig. 3: Washing hands after going to the toilet helps stop the spread of germs.
Fig. 4: Washing hands before preparing food helps keep germs out of our bodies. 
Fig. 5: Washing hands before eating food helps stop germs getting into our bodies 
Fig. 6: Washing clothes helps keep them free of disease-causing germs. 
Fig. 7: Hanging clothes in the sun helps to kill some disease-causing germs and parasites. 
Fig. 8: Covering the nose and mouth when sneezing helps stop the spread of germs. 

jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2018


We provide a wide range of specialty services for dogs, cats, small mammals, birds, reptiles, horses and other species through our hospital of small animals and large animals with the commitment to offer the best possible service.
• Offer support to practical teaching at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
• Offer a quality service to veterinarians and the university community
• Offer research support
The guest of our veterinary can take advantage of your stay to have a complete medical check-up, with laboratory exams, or any type of necessary medical procedure.
You can also take advantage of your pet's stay to undergo deep cleaning of dentures or minor surgeries, if the case merits.
The veterinarian attends by appointment at our store located at Calle Chimborazo S 1-140 and García Moreno, Tel: 2896684.
We offer your clients the possibility of transporting their pets to the best veterinary center in case of an emergency

After 2020, Veterinary Clinic "Amigos Felices" will be the Ecuadorian institution in providing the best comprehensive veterinary care service, applying high standards of health, comfort and welfare to pets, serving the largest number of pets in the city From Guayaquil.
Offer veterinary comprehensive care services to pets, applying the highest standards of health, comfort and well-being, providing solutions according to the needs and requirements of patients and their owners.

vaccinate your pet!